Marathon week of driving, that is! This week we returned from the farm late Monday night, then on Wednesday I loaded up the adult horses and took them to the farm (Yay!!!). While I was away AdventureDad's brother came and helped him disassemble and load the horse shed onto our flatbed trailer, then after I returned from the farm they took of on Thursday for another round trip. They got back late Thurs night, and the whole AdventureFamily promptly loaded up for another weekend on the farm after M got out of school Friday eve, with a return Sun night. At 300 miles each direction, that means our hard-working truck covered 2100 miles this week. No wonder we're tired! It finally feels like we are making progress towards the move though... the horse shed is beginning its third life as an equipment shed and chicken coop. The horses are all moved to the farm and tucked away in their nice green pasture and newly-outfitted barn, and the chickens will be following soon. The shed was our biggest and hardest thing to move (boundless thanks to Michael for his help!), and now we can take a full trailer load each time we go and really start emptying this place out.
While on the farm this past weekend, we got the last of the siding scrap cleaned up out of the yard (It is AMAZING how much waste material is produced during the construction proces!), as well as getting the house scoured out in preparation for the flooring contractors. The lights are mostly installed, the cabinets are roughed in, and the trim is going up on the doors and windows. On the exterior, we are just waiting for the rock work on the front, gutters, and the cement pads and porches. We are still looking at a mid-November move-in, but it is very exciting to see the finish work taking place!
As far as non-farm-related news, AdventureDad has failed to improve as we had hoped following his back surgery. A follow-up MRI revealed a piece of disc remaining in the spinal canal. They are trying a 2-week medical-management trial, although it looks like more surgery is likely. Sigh. Poor AdventureDad!
Happier news comes with O's 4th Birthday. We kept it small and family-centric due to the turmoil in our lives right now, but we sure our proud of our little bug and how fast she is growing up. She is such a happy little kid, and both she and M have been such troupers through this crazy process. They take it all in stride and find the adventure and fun in every trip we take. They are such good reminders that although we are so focused on the move and our future at the farm, we also need to enjoy every day life brings us and stop to smell the roses.
Light Fixtures... |
Hickory Cabinets... |
... and Cement Forms |
Four Big Candles Out in a Puff! |
New Dress-up Jewelry. Thanks Great Grandma T! |