I'm finally getting around to the Easter post, including some photos. 3 are of Easter, the towel one is just cute, and the last one is M enjoying our hotel room. Apparently she doesn't have any gripes about the current set-up!
The AdventureFamily had a very nice Easter, one that we never would have experienced if we weren't uprooted from our regular routines. We spent the day with extended family that we had never met before, namely my cousin's wife Christina(he's on an RLBTof his own at the moment), and their eighteen-month-old son Gavin, in Austin, TX at Christina's parent's house. We also met Christina's sister and brother-in-law and their children, and together the kids had a wonderful time. The weather was beautiful, and their was a huge green lawn and a sand box for playing in, so needless to say our little tomboy M was happy as could be.
I've been wanting to meet Christina for a long time, and Gavin too, for that matter, so this was a wonderful opportunity. I have to say that what could very easily have been an awkward moment (Easter at your cousin-in-law's parent's home, none of whom you've ever met?) was made very comfortable and friendly by the warm acceptance we felt. That in itself seemed a very fitting celebration of what Easter really means.
Other than Easter we haven't been up to too much. Jimmy is of course busy the bulk of every day with his classes, and so M and I spend the bulk of every day strolling around to the various play areas that are nearby. We also got a bike seat for her, and although I'm not comfortable riding in traffic with my precious cargo behind me in such a vulnerable position, it does increase our range quite a bit. We went for a 12-mile family bike-ride last weekend on a trail that follows a greenway up a creek that is very nearby, which was a wonderful experience. We hope to make that a repeat performance as often as possible. Luckily M loves her bike seat, and I'm getting used to lugging the extra weight around!