Or should I say, Snow the irony. Of course our last winter here is by far the snowiest that we've experienced in Bavaria, and of course the snow really fell as soon as our skis and snowshoes had been packed away by the movers. That didn't stop us from making a few rentals though, and of course we couldn't resist the temptation of watching M "slide" (as she calls it).
Our first family skiing adventure was a success, punctuated by M's excited screeches of "go baby, go" as she slid down the hill. No, we do not tell her this, she came up with it all on her own!
Other than that we are quickly tying up the last few strings before hopping on a plane a week from tomorrow. It is amazing how many things can crop up at the last minute, but I think we are keeping our heads just above the water. It will sure be nice when this move is over, AdventureDad's little jaunt to TX is over and we can all settle into our nice little place in WA. Of course that is when AdventureDad will really have to put his nose to the grindstone, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. No matter how busy he gets, at least he will be coming home after every shift, which is a vast improvement over this time last year!