Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back from Cloud Nine

Just a quick update since we don't have pictures, but the AdventureFamily returned last night from another whirl-wind camping adventure on our land near Walla Walla. We are slowly working on placing T-posts at long intervals along our property lines (which are more than 1/2 mile long on 2 sides over EXTREMELY rough country), and we got about 1/3 of it done this weekend. Not bad considering we had the girls in backpacks and we couldn't work in the middle of the day due to the heat. We saw well over 50 deer on and around our property, as well as lots of elk tracks. My favorite part was the discovery of a steep grassy slope that had a wild plum grove, as well as several apple trees. There was also a huge hawthorn that had been trimmed into an umbrella by the deer, with a green carpet of grass and thick shade underneath... very park-like and beautiful, and especially appreciated since we had just hacked our way down a cliff-like steep slope of thick brush, small trees, and nettles galore, then up the facing slope to the fruit trees. It might not sound like fun (and the grumpies did come out a few times as the temperature rose), but it was a nice adventure for us, including a cozy evening in the camper. After the girls were tucked away, we sat out in the cool evening with the Blue Mountains to our back, watching the twinkling lights of WW in the distance, and all we could hear were the owls. Can't wait until we get a chance to go again!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

One More Story

I just had to tell one more story because it us cutely pathetic. Due to the cool, wet summer we've had so far, our raspberries are HUGE (although kinda watery and not as flavorful as last year's). AdventureGirl has been back to her shenanigans of grazing our lettuce, mint, and berries randomly while playing outside. Yesterday, I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have to how many she was eating, even picking a few myself and handing them to her, along with a few fresh peas from the garden. I'm sure any experienced Mom can guess what comes next. Lunchtime came and we went inside, but AdventureGirl wasn't hungry. Too much stuff from the garden, I guessed. Then, to my surprise, she VOLUNTEERED for naptime, going to her room and laying on the floor. Thinking that our long morning outside in the warm sun (and her swimming pool) had taken its toll, I coaxed her into the bathroom for a pre-nap potty, promising to have her in bed ASAP. She protested a bit, which was unusual, but I helped her balance on the big toilet and told her to give it a try. Next thing I know, I'm wearing raspberries on my shoulder and thigh, and they JUST KEPT COMING. Poor kid covered me, the toilet, and the floor with bright red raspberries, sprinkled with mint and peas. They weren't even close to digested, more like a puree. With the help of AdventureDad (who happened to be home thanks to his bizarre and ever-changing work schedule), I got her decontaminated and tucked into bed. 3 rounds of vomit and 3 sets of sheets later, she was resting comfortably and we (AdventureDad and I) just had to laugh... that was the best smelling puke ever!

The Pictures

4th of July and More

Well, the AdventureFamily is back from our latest adventure, and wow was it a great one. 2600 miles on the road, 3 days at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, the maiden voyage of our pop-up camper, and a chance to see Nana, Grandpa, (Great)Grandma, my Brother and Sister-in-law, 2 nephews, and Aunt and Uncle all in one fell swoop.
We spent our first night on the road on our property near Walla Walla, which added to the fun. It was both the first night in the pop-up (and we were pleased with how well it did in the big storm that blew through) as well as our first stay on the property. We set up in a sea of chest-high fescue and enjoyed the stunning views.
It was a lot of fun to see everyone, despite the fact that both AdventureGirl and AdventureDad got very sick (with different illnesses), and AdventureMom was similarly miserable by the last day. AdventureBaby was the only one to escape, but in truth I suspect the little sniffle that she brought home from daycare to be the original source of pestilence. Be that as it may, it was her big introduction to a large part of the family (most hadn't met her or last saw her as a tiny infant), so I'm glad she was happy and healthy. We took the opportunity to belatedly celebrate my grandmother's 80th birthday, and then we were surprised by a bunting-festooned, horn-blowing, siren-wailing parade through the campground by all of the law-enforcement, emergency, and support personnel who work at the North Rim in celebration of the 4th. Talk about a lot of celebrating!!! We of course saw some stupendous views, as well as deer, birds (including a blue-bird nest... thank you Nana) , kaibab squirrels (gorgeous squirrels with large white tails, charcoal bodies, a rust-colored cape on their back, and big tufty white ears), and most oddly of all, a bison (I have to do some research to find out if he belonged or was an escapee from a game farm). We also saw a herd of big-horn sheep during our drive down there, so it was certainly a wildlife filled adventure.
I'm posting the pictures in a separate blog to avoid the typical cramming of words. Enjoy!